About Us

Music production studio specialising in custom music for business and films.

Our composers are classically trained and are experienced in producing proper orchestral music and all other genres of music for films, TVC, commercials etc.

Why Custom Music?

Make your potential audience stay with you through the power of exclusive, custom music.

A good piece of custom music grabs people's attention and gives identity to your product, letting your product stand out from its competitor. Music also helps your product stay in your audiences' heart, that is why you want it to be special and exclusive.

At OMP, we specialise in connecting your product’s values with your audience through advance composition techniques. 

Lincoln composing

When Classical Techniques meet Commercial Demands

Lincoln composing

Unlike normal custom music services, our composers strive not only to meet your products commercial demand, but also to set you apart from your competitors.

This is done through techniques, craftmenship and musciality inherited from traits originating from Bach, Mozart through Birtwistle, Britten to our composers.

Explore the depth of your product through custom music from us.

Why US?

Lincoln composing

Our composers are not normal media composers. They all have a proper classical composition training in world-renowned music institutions, not to mention years of experience in composing music for commercial means. Our music is just better.

Like other media composers, we digest your brief and produce the music according to your preference, whether or not you have a reference for us.

However, unlike other composers, we always take one step further. In order to bring out your product's identity and let it stand out, we strive to understand its core value and express it through advance composition techniques.

Our Composers

Lincoln Lam 林岳霆

Lincoln Lam (Ngok Ting Lam)


Lincoln Lam is a Hong Kong-based composer. Lincoln graduated from King’s College London with distinction in Master of Music in Composition in 2015. In May 2014, Lincoln’s piece, ‘Odour’ for wind quintet, won the 4th Annual Composer Concordance ‘Generation’ Composition Competition in New York.

Lincoln then started his music career in Hong Kong as a composer, arranger and film composer. Lincoln has worked with numerous artist, such as Jay Fung (馮允謙), Deanie Yip (葉德嫻), Anthony Lun (倫永亮), Chiu Tsang Hei (趙增熹), Heyo, and more. In 2016, Lincoln wrote and arranged for the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra in ‘葉德嫻‧倫永亮‧趙增熹‧香港管弦樂團,《紅白藍》演唱會 2016’.

In 2020, he was involved in arranging the song ‘地球來的人’  by Jay Fung, which became the No. 1  on 4 major charts and won the 新城勁爆頒獎禮「勁爆歌曲」and 叱咤樂壇流行榜頒獎典禮「專業推介叱咤十大 第五位」. Lincoln is also the film composer of 'An Abandoned Team《得寵先生》(2024)', 'Anita《梅艷芳》(Arrangements for 償還、戲劇人生)', 《飛虎3壯志英雄》, 《一夜再成名》, 《驅魔》《一夜再成名》and numerous other films. 

Contact Form

Email: lincoln@omp.studio

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